For the 2012-2013 school year, TLA provided grants to local schools to help with Science Education.
Here are some of the projects that TLA helped fund in Kalkaska:
Rapid City Elementary School – 2nd & 3rd Grades
Funding was provided for the classes to study the water cycle and to take a field trip to Grass River Natural Area. Here is the full report:
2013 Three Lakes Association Summary
Randall Atwood
Rapid City Elementary School
2nd Grade Field Trip to the Au Sable Institute
Kalkaska Birch Street School
Birch Street Elementary School second graders at The Au Sable Institute
of Environmental Studies learning about the water cycle, watersheds, and
the affects of water quality upon the environment and the plants and
animals that live there.
Greg Beach
2nd Grade
Birch Street School
Kalkaska 7th Grade Inland Seas Field Trip
I have integrated many of the Inland Seas Education Education activities into the beginning of the school year which starts the students thinking and helps introduce them to the Inquiry portion of the Grade Level Content Expectations. Having this trip at the beginning of the school year allows me to bring up lessons that they learned on the trip to help them better understand the concepts that are taught throughout the school year. Being on the water, getting samples of water, mud and living organisms brings science to life for the students and ignites their fire to learn about science.
Andy Henderson
7th Grade/Science
Kalkaska Middle School
Kalskaska Public Schools