Low, Lower, Lowest Water Ever!
Find Out Why on May 6th in Boyne City
With low water levels on everyone’s mind, the Lake Charlevoix Association is hosting a Low Water Forum on Monday May 6, at 6:30 pm in the Boyne City High School Performing Arts Center.
Is this just part of the natural cycle or the beginning of a disastrous trend? We have a great lineup of speakers to answer your questions, led off by Jennifer McKay, Policy Specialist at Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council. Jennifer will address inflows and outflows as they contribute to lake levels. She will be followed by Roger Gauthier, who is a retired Army Corps of Engineers Senior Hydrologist in the Detroit Office. Roger is also Chair of the bi-national coalition, Restore Our Water International (ROWI) an organization working toward restoring water in the Great Lakes to more natural levels. Roger will go into more detail about water level fluctuations over time, their causes and possible human interventions.
Our featured speaker for the evening will Ms. Lana Pollack, a Michigan native who is now the US Chair of the International Joint Commission (IJC) in Washington DC. As chairperson of the IJC, Ms. Pollack, along with the other four US and Canadian IJC Commissioners, has been charged by both governments with making recommendations regarding the causes and possible responses to Great Lakes water level changes. Ms. Pollack will speak about the IJC role, what studies they are basing their decisions on and what she sees as the next steps that should be taken to protect the water of the Great Lakes. We are honored that Ms. Pollack has agreed to speak to us in Boyne City. I’m sure everyone in attendance will find her words of great interest.
There will be time after the presentations for questions from the audience.
Spread the word, we hope to see a large crowd on May 6th!