Aquatic Invasive Species Partner Workshop
On October 22, there will be a workshop on invasive species, hosted by Tip of the Mitt and Antrim Conservation District. You are invited to attend.
Date: Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Time: 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Location: Antrim Conservation District
4820 Stover Rd
Bellaire, MI 49615
RSVP by October 20th
As part of the Elk River Invasive Species Monitoring Project funded by DEQ, Tip of the Mitt and Antrim Conservation District are coming together to hold workshops with partner organizations to talk about the Aquatic Invasive Species Project. The following workshop will share with partners and local community the goals, methods, and preliminary project results. We will also cover local and regional aquatic invasive species prevention and control efforts within our area. The workshop will into more detail about common and threatening invasive species within our community and how to report and document them. We will conclude the workshop with a field practicum giving participants the opportunity to enhance their identification, reporting, and mapping skills.
The goal of this workshop is to to train residents on lakes who are frequently on or near the water, so they can help with early detection of aquatic invasive species and subsequently, rapidly respond to and efficiently control them.
Download the Agenda: ERCOL AIS Workshop Agenda Oct 2014 FINAL