TLA Annual Meeting and Cookout, July 26 – RSVP Now!
The TLA Annual Meeting is coming up July 26, so please RSVP and let us know you are coming. RSVP to : (231) 322-2787 or (231) 350-7234.
Potluck dinner “under the maples.” The TLA Board is providing grilled hamburgers and chicken. Bring a dish to pass (enough for your family plus one), and your own table service. Coffee, tea, iced tea, and lemonade provided.
Get together at 5 p.m. for social time and games for the children among us (volleyball, croquet, bean-bag toss).
Eat at 6 p.m. Business meeting, election of officers, and program at 7 p.m.
Norris-Fields Farm
5860 Aarwood Road NW
Rapid City, MI 49676